Tuesday, April 19, 2016

opinions writing pt. 2

1. controversial topics, challenging an opinion
2. connect to own life, but challenge others
3. gentle balance with "I" sentence starters, make connections, avoid philosophical

1. Brayden Ratcliff and Chad Lyle
2. the plans for a new block lunch schedule that will extend their lunch period by thirty minutes
3. full support. "all parties should contact administration to show their support of this proposal."
4. yes, they mentioned how some believe high school student can't be trusted with too much free time
5. no they were strong about their opinion
6. no
7. 3rd

1. Declan Quinn
2. Donald Trump, and how stupid he is
3. They really don't like Donald Trump, doesn't like Hillary, and loves BERNIE
4. Not really
5. No, they definitely think Trump is a full on idiot
6. No
7. 1st

1. Gloria Gatica
2. Feminism striking against sexism
3. She believes women were forced and sometimes still are by men who she thinks are considered by society as the "stronger gender"
4. yes, she explained what others may think feminism is
5. no, strong words only
6. no
7. 1st

1. Jocely Trejo
2. the new red Starbucks cups
3. they believe that the red cups are stupid and that "People in this country really need to grow up."
4. No.
5. no they were very strong about their opinion
6. no
7. 1st

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