Thursday, October 29, 2015

academic shoot reflection and critique


Some troubles that I had trying to follow the rules were that I kept going right back to 'lines.' I wanted to create dimension with the lines, but it ended up looking repetitive. I also found that all of my photos were boring.

I found that I did the rule of thirds really well. I think that that is the most important rule. It makes the photo dynamic. It is a rule that I have always been very conscious of. I didn't ever capture something in the direct middle. I don't think any of my pictures were boring looking. (the photo, not the content... the content was boring.)

A few things that I would have done differently are I would do a better job focusing the camera and looking for more simple backgrounds.

I would continue to have dynamics and depth in my photos using lines.

When doing my next prompt shoot, I think the rule of thirds will be easiest. I think this because that rule is an aspect of a photo that is essential and relatively effortless to achieve. All thats required to get a shot using rule of thirds is to change your perspective.

I think the rule that will be hardest to capture is balance. Sometimes my photos are rather heavy on either side. I like rule of thirds so it gets a little confusing.

I am pretty clear on all of the rules, but balance is a little hard for me. I don't really understand if it means to go against rule of thirds, or to have symmetry or radial balance or what. It's a little hard to wrap my head around.


I thought Harrison's photos were very well composed. They weren't repetitive and they were interesting. Each one was different and he followed the prompt well.

One thing I think he can improve on is making the subject more obvious. A lot of times in his photos I found myself not knowing who the subject was and the photos seemed to look a bit cluttered because of it.

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