Monday, January 25, 2016

yearbook introduction

  1. The yearbook that I looked at is called Identity.
  2. It is from Aberdeen High School.
  3. There are not very many thematic elements in this yearbook, the fonts and colors schemes change. The ones that are evident though are that somethings are in color and some black and white, the photos are in these rectangular boxes, and there's a lot of this one ugly font.
  4. In my book, there are like five sections of student photos, and then the rest are just photos and articles about student life. It switches between the two about five times. 
  5. My favorite spread is called "Cut Off" on page 26.
  6. There is an index at the end of the yearbook.
  7. There are photos of groups of people. Not really clubs, just groups of friends and what they do on the weekend or whatever. When there is a spread of a club or something it seems to be only one person mentioned or photographed.
  8. There is a small table of context on the second page at the beginning. Very minimal. 
  9. There are about one thousand people that went to that school that year.
  10. This yearbook is from Aberdeen, Washington.


  • a good color scheme
  • themed font
  • re-occuring shapes
  • re-occuring styles of format
  • index at the end
  • table of contents 
  • enrollment count
  • address of the school
  • big strong title on the front
  • well composed spreads and photos
  • distinct sections (students, student life, sports, school spirit)

Thursday, January 21, 2016

magazine cover peer review


1. The name of the magazine is Savor Freedom. It was made by Emanuel. 

2. Two things that I like about the cover is that the photo is funny, I also like the cover lines. It's all amusing to me. 

3. I think something that could improve the magazine cover is to improve the theme of colors and fonts.

4. I really liked the cover image. It drew my eyes to it because the photo is of this guy running and he's in the air and nothing is really focused. 

5. There is a bar code, it is a bit big and touching the outer edge, so not quite right. 

6. I would not pick up this magazine, because the colors are rather uncomfortable to look at.

7. This was a self portrait, because it was more far away, and was an action shot.


1. The name of the magazine is Madhouse Central Magazine. It was made by Clarissa Lopez.

2. Two things that I like about the magazine cover is that the face the subject is making is really funny, and that one of the cover lines says "New Faces 2016." It's funny. 

3. I think that the placement of the cover lines is what could be improved on. 

4. I picked this cover because I thought the face she's making is interesting. I also thought it was super unsettling and that sort of made me want to do it more.

5. There is a bar code, and no it is not formatted correctly, its too big and also not really on the page.

6. I would not pick up this magazine. The title is not bold enough or strong enough to get me to be attracted to it. 

7. I can't really tell if this is the portrait or self portrait because both photos were taken in the same place, the same way. They are very similar, so its hard to tell.


1. The name of the magazine is Soccer Weekly. It was made by Bonnie.

2. I really liked how much the themes were accurate, and that the title popped because of the red. 

3. The cover lines could have popped more.

4. I picked this cover because it was very satisfying to the eye.

5. There is a barcode and it is a little big, but it looks good in comparison to the font size and placement of other stuff.

6. I might pick this up in Barnes and Noble, its well composed and the title pops out. Its very nice.

7. This is the portrait. I can tell because the boy looks young, and Bonnie is a girls name (as much as it sucks that names are dependent on gender, Bonnie is not yet a boys name. IT SHOULD BE THOUGH.)

prompt shoot peer review

1. I like the flower photo the best. I like it because its well composed and the colors are beautiful.

2. My least favorite photo is the Pose photo. I don't really like it as much because it is out of focus and kind of unsatisfying to the eye.

3. Two positive things about the photos are that most of the photos are in focus and follow the prompt.

4. One thing that can be improved upon is that some of the photos do not follow the prompt.

5. The Pose photo follows the prompt well. It is a girl posing in the photo.

6. I think the Yummy photo followed the prompt the least. I mean... if you're into eating flowers, its pretty accurate.

prompt shoot 1-19-16





Wednesday, January 6, 2016

winter break recap

1. One thing that was exciting for me during the holiday was that I got a lot of time to practice music, paint, give gifts, and meditate. I enjoyed the relaxation and it was nice to be able to spend my time how I wanted to.

2. I haven't set any resolutions for 2016, but if  I were to, I would try to exercise more and eat sugar less. I have a generally healthy diet, but I could lose ten pounds (not that I care).

3. I am looking forward to new music in 2016. My band is releasing a mini-LP or EP album in a few months, and we're organizing a few gigs which is exciting. 

the best of 2015


a heart like hers - mac demarco

I think that Mac Demarco is easily on of my favorite musicians, his music is extremely fun to listen to. I really loved his new album, and my favorite song is called 'a heart like hers'. Demarco wanted to go with a love-song themed album in 2015 and succeeded in my opinion. 


star wars - george lucas

Star Wars is a phenomenal movie series, one of the all time greats for being produced in the early 70's. I've haven't seen the movie, but from what I know about J. J. Abrams and the new story, Star Wars The Force Awakens is the best movie released in 2015.


same-sex marriage legalization

The legalization of same-sex marriage was a wonderful milestone this past year. The views and fighting of many was to thank for the sharing of love. I think this is the most important news story of 2015 because in 100 years, the people of Earth and the United States will be able to look back in awe at how unaccepting we all were.


bernie sanders - presidential candidate

In my opinion, Bernie Sanders is the most important person of 2015 because he has awesome hopes for the United States. I'm excited for the results of the election and I hope he wins. Bernie wants to make college education more attainable for people who have economic trouble, change minimum wage to fifteen dollars an hour, have economic equality for men and women in the workplace, and legalize marijuana. I am REALLY hoping that Bernie Sanders becomes President. 

three favorite photos of 2015

This photo is one of my favorites of 2015 because it is very interesting. It has lots of different things going on, and I'm really into cluttered photography. I think photography that is straight forward is rather boring. This photo is also timed perfectly; the boy has a unique expression on his face, the man's face is being covered by Matzo, and the man in the background is in the middle of a sentence. This photo makes me question whats going on in it.

I think this photo is one of the best of 2015 because of its intriguing content. The rodent must have done one of a few things; such as find a way to peacefully get on the birds back, make acquaintance with the bird, or hop on without the bird noticing. Its very interesting because its not something that many people have ever seen before this.

I think this photo is my all time favorite of 2015. I'm not one to stereotype, but there is an exception for when it comes to anything country-related. Usually I'm the first to assume that all country men are hillbillies and gay hating hicks, but this opened my eyes. People are people and the Gay Rodeo was very lovely to look at photos of. I really enjoy seeing love of all sorts, and this photo has changed my (and probably many other people's) view on the human race.